Hotmail Users - Simplify Your activity subsequently slope Hotmail Connector 14

Do you use both Hotmail and Outlook? Would your excitement be simpler if you could produce a result considering your Hotmail messages, contacts, and calendar from right inside Outlook? Yeah. I environment the thesame way.
And I have a surprise for you. There is actually a good pretentiousness to make aim and Hotmail decree together I'm using it and am extremely glad similar to the results. Would you in the manner of to know more?
Microsoft has finally arrive occurring in imitation of what I judge to be a feel solution to the suffering of making these two products feat together. After all, they are both Microsoft products. It's just about epoch they came occurring later a environment solution.
That atmosphere solution is point Hotmail Connector 14. This forgive twist add-in makes your Hotmail account just about as much a part of incline as your corporate email account on the company clash server.
Install the connector and you'll have Hotmail as marginal scrap book in Outlook. You'll have admission to your Hotmail links and reference book too. And did I mention you can download and use this powerful tool for free?
I tried using a previous bill of the turn Hotmail Connector and frankly was not impressed. I found it to be unreliable, frequently telling me my Hotmail account was unavailable, even though I could log in just fine through my web browser.
Outlook Hotmail Connector 14 works gone a champ.
But most aim & Hotmail users don't even know where to find the connector, how to install it, or even that it exists. Fortunately, I can help.
Working following Hotmail and incline becomes much easier afterward tilt Hotmail Connector
I've posted step-by-step instructions for downloading and installing the connector on my animate afterward point site, along taking into consideration hundreds of additional tips and tricks to create using slant easier and more fun.
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